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Further Reading

Third party links are provided where publications can be openly accessed online.

Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland

  • Morrissey, ‘The Introduction of Mental Health Advance Directives under Irish Capacity Legislation: Lessons from Virginia’, Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland 2013, 19(2), 69-78
  • Carere & Doran, ‘The Issue of Advanced Healthcare Planning in Ireland: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide’, Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland 2014, 20(1), 29-39
  • Donnelly, ‘The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015: implications for healthcare decision-making’, Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland 2016, 22(2), 65-74
  • O’Mahony & Moloney, ‘The Impact of International Human Rights Law on Irish Mental Health and Mental Capacity Law Reform’, Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland 2017, 23(1), 24-30
  • Davidson, ‘The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015: How will it change healthcare decision-making for people with dementia?’, Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland 2017, 23(2), 62-67
  • Kelly, ‘Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty in Ireland: Where Next?’, Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland 2018, 24(1), 5-14
  • Keyes, ‘Recent developments in the Law of Wardship’, Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland 2021, 27(1), 15-21
  • Dowd, ‘Orders for involuntary treatment, care, and detention: The interaction of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 and the High Court’s inherent jurisdiction‘, Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland 2022, 28(2), 48-52

International Journal of Law & Psychiatry

  • Donnelly, ‘Deciding in dementia: The possibilities and limits of supported decision-making’, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Volume 66, Sep-Oct 2019, 101466
  • Davidson, ‘The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015: Interrogating the guiding principles for a person with dementia’, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Volume 84, Sep-Oct 2022, 101819

Annual Review of Irish Law

  • ‘Decision Making Capacity’, Annual Review of Irish Law 2015, 1(1), 299-326
  • ‘Decision Making Capacity’, Annual Review of Irish Law 2019, 1(1), 341-343
  • ‘Decision Making Capacity’, Annual Review of Irish Law 2020, 1(1), 358-365
  • ‘Decision Making Capacity’, Annual Review of Irish Law 2021, 1(1) 272-274

Hibernian Law Journal

  • Ordinaire, ‘Who Decides now and to What Extent? A Critical Reading of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015’ Hibernian Law Journal Nbr. 16-2017, January 2017
  • Davis, ‘The Right not to be Resuscitated? Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) Orders and the Limits of the Legal Framework in Ireland’, Hibernian Law Journal Nbr. 18-2019, January 2019

Judicial Studies Institute Journal

Irish Law Times

  • Mulligan & Dowd, ‘Capacity Litigation in Practice: Lessons from the Court of Protection‘, 2023 41(4) I.L.T. 57

Bar Review

Law Society Gazette

Law Reform Commission

Medical Council

  • Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Medical Practitioners (8th edn, 2016)


  • Madden, Medicine, Ethics and the Law (Bloomsbury, 2016) – Chapter 9: Capacity and Assisted Decision-Making
  • Mills & Mulligan, Medical Law in Ireland (Bloomsbury, 2017) – Chapter 6: Consent to Medical Treatment (II) – Mental Capacity
  • Lehane, Succession Law (Bloomsbury, 2022) – Chapter 17: Enduring Powers of Attorney

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Last Updated: 18 April 2023